Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I thought that for the most part, this was well-written. This edition (ASIN B000FCK684, published by Harper Collins) had quite a few typos and editing errors. I did not find them overwhelming or distracting from the book.
I love Christie's writing, but as I am not a fan of Short Stories, I didn't like these as well as her full-length works. It may be my preference for long fiction, or it may be that Christie was more adept at longer fiction. It may have been a combination of both. It wasn't bad, it just didn't ring my bell.
I typically sit down an read a Christie book within 24 hours, but this book took me over a week. So, there you go.
It WAS an excellent way to acquaint myself with other mystery writers who Christie respected and by whom she was influenced. I am starting to read some of them now.
Overall, it was light fun, but not quite as gripping as her longer works.
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