In that hypothesis, "sometimes" is an unbelievably important word.
There are some films that are just plain bad. Rather than being corny, kitschy fun, you simply leave the theatre wishing for a time machine, because you realize that you just spent two hours that you are never getting back (for more information, see "Howard the Duck" - better yet, DON'T see "Howard the Duck").
Sometimes, it's simply amazing that so many good actors, producers, directors, and other industry talent could get together and make such a dog. And that dog is instantly recognizable to everyone involved. Unfortunately, with the money invested, the film will inevitably get released (in hopes of recouping some of that cash from the movie-going public).
I've seen some real doozies, and not all of them are ones that I can say were "good fun".
I've also seen some that were universally panned by critics and audiences, but which didn't strike me as bad movies. Some of them seemed like good films to me, as well as being good fun.
One example of this is the M. Night Shyamalan film "Signs." I thoroughly enjoyed that film. I didn't think that it was a bad movie. I was entertained and drawn into the plot. I still quote the phrase "Swing away" occasionally. I'm not sure if it's a bad taste issue, or just one of those to each his own situations. Most of the movie going world hated it, but I liked it. I'm not sure if I should admit that here (or anywhere).
So, when I was encouraged to see "The Happening" recently, I shuddered. I have a deep-seeded fear that I might enjoy it. And, quite frankly, I have rarely turned down the chance to look at Marky Mark for a couple of hours, whether or not the Funky Bunch are present.
I've still not seen the film, but I am balancing on the precipice. Before I jump though, I'd like to hear from readers about what they think. Is "The Happening" a dog? Or is it a bad movie = good fun situation? Or, possibly, is it an actual good movie in disguise? Email me at to let me know.
Or maybe, I should take my chances with the film and just swing away.
New subscribers may want to start with the beginning lessons of this series, which are available as a Kindle eBook entitled
Learn to Crochet in Minutes a Day: The First Twelve Lessons.
For comments, questions, notes, or suggestions; Mrs. Parker can be reached via email at
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