Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bad Movies = Good Fun

It's true confession time.  Dobby (my husband) and I love bad movies.  I mean, I'm not talking Howard the Duck bad - that's two hours of my life that I'm never getting back - I'm just talking kinda bad.

This disorder stems, I believe, from our wedding.  You see, Dobby and I got married in October.  And we are madly (and bizarrely) in love.  So, every year, we celebrate our anniversary for the entire month.

Somewhere along the way, it became snuggling up to watch one movie every night for the whole month.  Sometimes, we do the dinner-and-a-movie out thing, but usually, we just curl up on the couch and watch them on our DVR.  That means that I start searching the TV and cable listings at the end of September.  I use my DVR to record at least 31 movies, so that we will be stocked up.

Early on, it became horror movies.  Obviously, there are a ton of them on during the month of October.  Then, over time, you've seen all of the good ones.  So, you start watching some of the bad ones.  And, you start to really enjoy them.

We enjoy some of them for the inherent (and accidental) humor.  We enjoy some of them for the gratuitous gore.  And we enjoy some of them for their quirkiness.

Over time, this love of bad flicks has expanded from the horror genre to suspense as well.  In the last couple of weeks, we've been watching them again.  Maybe it has something to do with the impending Valentine's Day holiday.  Whatever the cause, we've been really craving them.

You can expect some movie reviews over the next few weeks.  You can also expect that I will admit that the movies are bad.  And then, I will tell you why they are good.

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Christy Parker is the author of two blogs:  Ruminations from and Unkempt Mind and  Learn to Crochet - In Minutes a Day.

For comments, questions, notes or suggestions; Mrs. Parker can be reached in the blog specific forums on the product information pages listed above or via email at unkemptruminations@comcast.net.

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