As a blogger, I am often asked, “Do you subscribe to any blogs?” The answer is yes. I certainly do. When I was preparing to blog, I wanted to research the industry fully. One thing that I did was to utilize the 14-day free trial on Kindle blogs so that I could get an idea of what was out there, as well as what I liked, what I didn’t like, and how Kindle blogs are formatted. During that time, I found dozens of blogs that I really liked. As I am not independently wealthy, I had to whittle down that list to a select few so that I could afford to keep writing, rather than get a second job to cover my subscription costs.
That being said, it means that the blogs that I chose to keep were carefully selected. They suited my tastes but were also exceptionally well-written. I can recommend all of them, and recommend all but one of them with confidence. There are several others that I can recommend as well, but I think that you may prefer to know which blogs, specifically, made the cut. In no particular order, they are:
1. I Love My Kindle– This blog is updated several times per week and is Kindle-related. It gives Kindle-related news as well as tips and tricks. It also has some anecdotal articles, as well as updates on Amazon free book offerings for Kindle books.
2. The Kindle Blog Report– This blog is updated about once per day, and it reviews various blogs that are available for subscription via Kindle. In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I have been reviewed by this blog. To read the Kindle Blog Report of our blog, click here. I did, however, subscribe to the Kindle Blog Report prior to being reviewed by them, and I have found them to be an invaluable resource while in the planning stages of “Ruminations”. They have served me very well by letting me know what other blogs are available. Being a subscriber, imagine my absolute joy at receiving a positive review from them.
3. Kindle Author– This blog is updated several times per week, sometimes more than once per day. It interviews self-published authors about their latest books. It does not provide reviews. While I thought that this blog would become boring over time, based on the fact that it is just interview after interview, I was quite wrong. This blog gives you a deeper description of the book in question, directly in the author’s own words. Because of this, you can get a real feeling of the voice and style of the author, and this can often give you even more perspective into the book than a simple review.
4. Procrastinating Writers– I subscribe to this one because, well, I am one. It’s almost as though they wrote this blog just for me. It is published once a week (you weren’t really expecting it more often, were you? Come on, writers procrastinate) and has articles on getting it out of your head and onto the paper. It’s part motivation, part instruction manual. I have found it helpful as well. I’m not sure that I ever would have gotten this blog off of the ground without it.
5. Knucklehead!– OK, this is a blog that I use to help me procrastinate. It’s hilarious and wildly entertaining. The author of this blog is, I guess, around forty years old, with a list of life experiences that simply can’t be beat. He and I are, I believe, contemporaries, so I can really relate to his experiences, having lived during the time that they occurred. I don’t really think that one needs that to enjoy this blog. I think that most people will be able to relate to them, and, more importantly, laugh out loud at them.
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