Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Quick Note

Just a quick note to let everyone know that I haven't forgotten you.  The combination of doctor's appointments, and the huge rush on Scarves for Special Olympics has kept me from the keyboard.

You see, I made the very foolish goal (albeit kind, I think) to try to send at least one scarf to each state.  That's 35 scarves.  No problem.  At least, that's what I thought.  While I was correct that 35 scarves in three months would be no problem, what I didn't think about was how the deadlines would fall on the calendar.

This week, there are seven scarves due.  A scarf a day is tough enough.  Add to that that last week there were eight scarves due (as well as my typo that made me think that AZ was due 1/21 instead of 2/21 - thereby adding a ninth scarf to the list), and that is seventeen scarves in fourteen days.

I bit off a bit more than I could chew.  But, I have managed to keep up.  I just haven't had time to write (or eat, or bathe, etc) for the last few days.  OK, I'm joking.  I've taken time to bathe, just not much time.

I expect to have the nineteenth scarf completed later today, then there is a nice little break of almost two weeks before the next run are due.

And, yes, I am keeping an eye on how the due dates fall on the calendar for the last fourteen states (fifteen if you count AZ, to whom I already sent a scarf), and am using the break to get ahead.  But, those two weeks (actually it's 13 days, a heavenly 13 days) I will be able to focus on other things and just make scarves in my spare time.  Right now, it's a bit like I work in a scarf factory.

I posted a list of deadlines last week.  After those states, we fall into a break.  The next scarves won't be due until February 11.  I'll post the addresses and requirements in a later post.  Just to let you know, those states are Maryland, Minnesota, and Montana.

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Christy Parker is the author of two blogs:  Ruminations from and Unkempt Mind and  Learn to Crochet - In Minutes a Day.

For comments, questions, notes or suggestions; Mrs. Parker can be reached in the blog specific forums on the product information pages listed above or via email at

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