Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Review of "An East End Murder"

I recently received An East End Murder (which appears to no longer be available in the Kindle Store) by Charles Finch as a Kindle Freebie.  It is a piece of short detective fiction (the detective’s not short, the fiction is) that contains an excerpt from another of the author’s books A Stranger in Mayfair.

I have to say, I really enjoyed this story.  I was a bit surprised by that.  I am not usually a short story kind of girl.  I prefer longer fiction, as I feel that it allows more time to flesh out the characters.  I like to really get to know the characters in anything that I read.  The fact of the matter is, I like when the characters become my friends.

This short story, therefore, makes for an exception with me.  I really enjoyed it.  It was clever and well-written.  It reminded me of the detective fiction of old, where some mysteries were positive tomes, and others of the same series were solved in just a few pages.

I would encourage you to give this book a try, if you like traditional mysteries.  This one is set in turn of the century London, with a male British detective.  It’s a good read, as well as a part of a larger series.

One warning, however, this file may give some the impression that this is a novella.  It is not.  More than half the locations of the document are dedicated to the excerpt of A Stranger in Mayfair.  The story itself is less than half the document.

Don’t let that stop you.  The story is still well worth a read.

Don’t own a Kindle, but would like to?  The latest generation of Kindle is available at the following links:  with WiFi only   or with WiFi and 3G.

Christy Parker is the author of two blogs:  Ruminations from and Unkempt Mind and  Learn to Crochet - In Minutes a Day.

Mrs. Parker is also the author of an eBook of patterns entitled Seven Special Scarves, as well as the eBook Learn to Crochet in Minutes a Day:  The First Twelve Lessons

For comments, questions, notes, or suggestions; Mrs. Parker can be reached in the blog specific forums on the product information pages listed above or via email at unkemptruminations@comcast.net.

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