Sunday, March 6, 2011

Review of "Billy Boyle: A World War II Mystery"

I admit it; I am a sucker for WWII fiction.  I am also a sucker for mysteries (the cozier the better).  So, reading Billy Boyle:  A World War II Mystery was an absolute joy for me.

I received the book when it was a Kindle Freebie (have you started to see how cheap I am?  I know that it’s obvious, and I am unashamed).  It is currently available for $9.99.  I would still purchase it at this price (and I am cheap, remember?).

The book is probably not technically a cozy.  Billy Boyle, the main character (hence the title), is a police officer from the Boston PD.  But I consider this book a cozy.  I can qualify this by saying that he is working to solve mysteries in the military.  Overseas during the war.  And he’s not an MP.  Technically, he’s not really with military intelligence, either, at least not in the capacity of a detective.

The book is well done.  The writing style is pleasant, and the characters are very real (warts and all).  The author (James R. Benn) obviously did a great deal of historical research for the book, and the scenarios ring true.  As does the colloquial-speak.

The book has many twists and turns, as well as likeable characters.  There is danger (both related to the War itself and the crimes in question), there is suspense, there is a bit of romance, there is tragedy, there is resolution.

All in all, I have no complaints about this well-written and well-edited book.  There are currently five books in the series, and I went ahead and sprang for the second and third one.  I feel that this series is well worth my time and money (the latter of which is really saying something).

The second book, The First Wave is currently available for $3.44; the third book, Blood Alone is available for $9.29.  Book four, Evil for Evil is priced at $10.08.  Rag and Bone, the fifth book in the series will run you  $13.75 currently.  The sixth book in the series is entitled A Mortal Terror and is due out in September of this year.

I have not yet sprung for the latter two books.  They are a little high in price for me (I mean, really, I’m cheap), but I have no problem purchasing an eBook at that price.  I just want to make sure that I am still enjoying the series before I make a further investment in the series.  My reading time is somewhat limited right now, so I may not get time to check First Wave and Blood Alone until the summer.

So, my purchase of the last two books is on hold until I have completed books two and three.  But I can wholeheartedly recommend the first book.  I'll let you know where I stand on the second and third book when I get time to read them.  I suspect that if you enjoy the first one, you'll probably beat me to the second and third.  ;)

Don’t own a Kindle, but would like to?  The latest generation of Kindle is available at the following links:  with WiFi only   or with WiFi and 3G.

Christy Parker is the author of two blogs:  Ruminations from and Unkempt Mind and  Learn to Crochet - In Minutes a Day.

Mrs. Parker is also the author of an eBook of patterns entitled Seven Special Scarves, as well as the eBook Learn to Crochet in Minutes a Day:  The First Twelve Lessons

For comments, questions, notes, or suggestions; Mrs. Parker can be reached in the blog specific forums on the product information pages listed above or via email at

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